Professional Dermaplane
$180 | 60 Minutes
Add Healite LED $50
This unique treatment utilizes a surgical blade to remove the outermost layers of the epidermis along with fine vellus hairs, or “peach fluff.
Dermaplanes abundance of benefits makes it a client favorite.
Provides deeper product penetration, leaving the skin nourished and glowing
Removes soft facial hair that traps bacteria, dirt and oils
Promotes smoother texture
Reduces the appearance of acne scars
Smoothes the look of fine lines
A perfect pre event treatment for make up application smooth as silk
Treatment includes oil cleanse, custom cleanse, dermaplane, electroporation product infusion and Esthemax Hydro Jelly Mask and signature massage
Contrary to what you may think, Dermaplaning will not make your hair grow back thicker or darker. The structure of your hair follicle is not changed by dermaplaning the vellus hair!